1) 根据项目实际状况,项目规划用地面积为34800㎡,原有建筑面积约为11983㎡,根据项目控规指标,项目计算容积率面积约为18800㎡。
2) 根据最新规划设计方案,项目将拆除部分建筑,并根据项目实际需要新建部分建筑作为酒店经营配套用房,计划拆除面积约770㎡;计划新建公建面积约7594㎡,地下设备用房面积约为1156㎡,地下车库面积为2864㎡;调整后建筑总面积为22827㎡,计算容积率面积为18807㎡。
It’s a luxurious hotel design following the European classic style. The large numbers of luxurious hotels hidden in special countries with beautiful scenery are fabulous historic treasures that offer you real experience. Through the downtown you will find un-decorated natural gardens, ancient buildings and hotels with quiet, free, harmonious and warm living atmosphere.
Special public zones and romantic bedrooms combine various European interior design styles, sleek、elegant and exquisite European style, as well as heavy, gorgeous luxurious style with modern atmosphere in middle ages. Styles varies from different scales in each bedrooms. We have special facilities for luxury hotels such as mini-bar, dining hall, lobby and balcony, etc. Some rooms lead to arbors covered with wisterias. Gardens and manors with naturalism, fountains and pools bring you the freedom, comfort and romance that you will never experience in five-star hotels. Walking on the boulevard, you will be surrounded by the quiet, elegant and charming atmosphere in this amazing place. Antiques, paintings, original works and china collections as well as well-decorated public zone and private area are a great attraction to the exhausted travelers who are eager to a cup of tea, a glass of wine or sitting in the arbor reading peacefully. In spring, the wind brings bitter smell of lilacs; in summer, we can smell the tuberose around; in autumn, magnolia decorates the old buildings, red maple leaves paint the lawn, the smell of wild grapes will flow into the rooms. This is a lovely hotel for you to experience royalty, comfort, freedom and romance. This is our designing suggestions for the proposal. After the hotel funded, it feels like going through times and back to ages when visiting and living in such kind of luxury hotels, where you can enjoy all the elegance, warm and luxury ever.
8号楼前厅与后厅效果图 前厅、Frond Hall 考虑到外观的独特,我们将室内设计方案定位为沉稳、厚重、古典、大气的设计风格。步入前厅,仿佛时光倒流,其经典就像中世纪的老爷车,历久弥新。沉重的楼梯,稳重中透着低调与奢华,似乎嗅到昨日公爵离去的气息。配饰公爵椅剥落的油漆,讲述着昨天的故事 Considering the specialty of outer appearance, we adopted steady, heavy, classical and grand style of design. Walking into the front hall, we can feel the time convert, just like the classic cars in the middle ages, remains famous in modern times. The old stairs show us the shine of history, we can even smell the atmosphere of the duck’s family. The duck chair is still telling us stories about yesterday. 蚀花、半透玻、实木做的旧门、旧铜锁、铁艺吊灯、点点滴滴,尽述昨日辉煌 The candle flowers, unclear glasses, wooden old doors, old locks, metal drop lights, etc. Everything is reflecting shine and fabulous affairs in old times. 后厅为公共部分,墙裙3/4均为实木饰面板,欧式线条纹饰装修雕花壁灯与毛面黑色火烧岩以及墙上的公爵画像还原远去的奢华,使居住的人扮演着过去的新贵,是以住在这里是一次不错的奇妙体验 3/4 of the dados are decorated by wood in the back hall. European style lights and paintings of the duck on the wall revert the prolonged luxury, which offer the livers an amazing living experience. 花园:尽显自然,无论是墙头的牵牛花,墙边的狗尾巴草,园心的大丽花,野山菊,墙上的藤蔓,老式的石制涌泉池,阵阵花香,尽显郊野与乡村。漫步林荫,留恋忘返。 No matter the spring glory on the wall, the dog’s tail grass besides the wall, dahlias in the garden, wild chrysanthemum, vine, or old stone fountain, all reflect wild world and country life. 一楼3、4号客房,风格与整体协调统一,墙面为半包式原木饰面板,欧式线条配旧油画,绒制旧花,金丝绒窗帘,床尾旧金色丝绒床饰做旧,古波斯地毯,仿古砖古朴、舒适、奢华。 The style of the 3# and 4# bedrooms on the first floor coordinate with the whole building. European old paintings, old style flowers, curtains, ancient bed decorations, Persian carpet are all comfortable and luxurious.
8号楼一楼客房效果图 8号楼5#客房:一改一楼的沉稳、厚重,采用典雅的复古新古典主义,线条简洁、明快,色彩温馨、典雅。配金属镜边,砾金线条使典雅中凸显奢华。 Differ from the first floor, the 5# bedroom adopts elegant classism with simple, vivid, and worm color. 此方案中,无论是线条造型,尽显欧洲建筑经典与精美,需要强调的是,软装配饰和灯具拉手、门锁、等等,细节决定成败、尽显心思。 In this solution, no matter the lines and structures, they all show us the classic and beauty of the European architecture. What’s more, we focus much on the details such as soft-decorations, handles, locks, etc. 一层1、2#客房:这个房间是下沉式,结构特殊,风格采用古典奢华,经典风格,墙面及硬装简略,配饰奢华,欧式风格典型,整体印象华丽典雅却不失温馨舒适。 The 1# and 2# bedrooms on the first floor are subsided designed with special structure and classic and luxurious style.