LACHESIS CLUB(以下简称LA酒吧)位于中国一线城市深圳核心地段凤凰大厦7楼,设计师运用简洁的造型、明快的基调、和谐的陈设搭配,将人与酒吧环境融合起来,与目前深圳知名酒吧COCOPARK争奇斗艳,告别繁琐复杂,打造极简风格,将成为一线城市夜场时尚、白领派对及国外友人聚集的风向标。酒吧设计营造了现代酒吧休闲、高雅的生活品质,且以舒适、简约、雅致作为室内装饰的出发点,不使用过度复杂的装饰品,总体空间大气、优雅而整洁。
LACHESIS CLUB (hereinafter referred to as LA Club/Bar) located in Fenghuang(Phoenix) Building,which is at the heart of Shenzhen ,China's major city. The designer uses compact model , lively tone, display of the harmonious collocation,combing the person and pub environment. With the current well-known bar street COCOPARK to outshine each other , LA Club farewells to all the complex things, creating minimalist style, and it will be the indicator of gathering fashionable, white-collar and foreign friends to gather .Bar designer creates simple,leisure, elegant,comfortable pub culture, and with comfortable, make whole space free.
室外散台outdoor seat
酒水吧台The wine bar
DJ舞台 DJ stage