作品分类 > 室内设计 > 办公空间 > 明罡作品
Chant Group HQ Office Tower is located in International Industrial Park, Xiaolan Industrial Base, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. An area of 12,000㎡ consists of 8000㎡ of business garden (excluding factory sites). The project is based on sustainable development design principle. Natural lighting, ventilation, conservation of energy and water are promoted to create an open, comfortable and environmentally friendly image. In order to get a balance between ideal and reality, we are trying to maximize functional design and create an image of impression for Evergreen Group with naturally integrating into the environment. Many virtual and real cubic objects form a large system. The building consists of 6 glass panel structures which are formed with 2-6 storey height glass cubes, for different functional requirements of work and communications in the offices while double glaze glass panel walls will make full use of natural lights and maximize visual contacts for both inside and outside office, it also adopts a courtyard heat-pressure ventilation recycle system and VRV air-conditioning system to provide a comfortable and energy saving environment. Precast structures and beamless plates are used to widen the visual effect of space white furnishing and glass pieces are mainly equipped internally to improve lights penetrations within the space.Wherever possible, natural contour is preserved, and FR water tank and fish pond are constructed based on existing topography, earth removed is filled at some low level areas, the fish pond for rain reserve of 150,000㎡ area can provide a place for rest, relax and fishing to people, it also can irrigate and provide water supply to the whole park. All these creates an office building with effluent of natural light, wind, water, tree shade and flowers.
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