项目名称:云南省宣威市康闲足疗会所设计单位:森圖設計顧問(香港)有限公司 主持设计师:阿森 羊山林面积:2400m2 主要材料:地毯、进口樱桃木、冷雲杉實木、白色人造石、生態木系列、乳膠漆 、壁紙、實木复合地板等项目风格:东南亚度假SPA风格坐落地点:云南省宣威市工程造价:230万 完工时间:2011年7月28日 本案坐落于人杰地灵的云南省火腿之乡--宣威市,同时也是我们伟大的改革开放总设计师邓小平先生夫人卓琳女士的家乡。
Project Name: Xuanwei City, Yunnan Province Kang busy foot club
Designer: Mori Design Consultants (HK) Ltd.
Host designer: Assen sheep mountains
Area: 2400m2
Main materials: carpets, imported cherry, cold spruce wood, white artificial stone, ecological wood series, latex paint, wallpaper, wood laminate flooring, etc.
Project Style: Southeast Asia vacation spa style
Located Location: Xuanwei City, Yunnan Province
Project Cost: 2.3 million
Completion Date: July 28, 2011
Case is located in the hometown of the outstanding people of Yunnan ham - Sherwin city, is also the home of our great Mr. Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of the reform and opening up his wife Zhuo Lin, Ms。